D E Fox
Second Hand Rose by D E Fox

Second Hand Rose by D E Fox

What led you into writing?

Sadly my dog Jake passed away in February 2019. I wrote my book to help me grieve as I suffered mental health issues and anxiety.

How does a typical day look?

I work full time in a warehouse for a huge electrical distribution. My hours are 7.30am – 4.30pm. My job is very physical, moving pallets and sorting deliveries that come in. I write when I can I don’t have a set schedule. Due to my mental health I write to unwind and escape so I never pressure myself to write a certain number of words.

In what ways do your characters test your abilities?

Most of my characters are people I know I have no background of being well educated I have no qualifications. So I keep it simple that way I’m not over stressing myself and making sure I enjoy the process of writing.

What’s your setup?

I always write in my front room while watching Murder She Wrote. Angela Lansbury is my hero I find her voice very soothing I literally couldn’t write without her. She’s been by my side the whole journey.

What lasting effects have your favourite authors had on your writing and style?

My favourite character is Jake and he’s made it into the second book. I find it so easy to write about him he was a character in real life too. My style is simple no big fancy words I can’t write what I don’t understand.

What do you do for inspiration?

Look around, I find inspiration at work in the street driving home from work. Everywhere.

Second Hand Rose
“It was early June 2018 when Abigail Hirst packed up all her belongings to make the long journey to Friendship, a journey she had not taken in a while. Grandma had passed away, so it was time to say goodbye. Goodbye to her life in Everett and her job as a reporter at The Herald, and to move back, back to Friendship, to Grandma's beautiful house and antique shop, the Second Hand Rose.”  More

What repeating themes do you find yourself pulling into your stories?

My first book is a horror second is a children’s book. I don’t really want to repeat themes I just write what comes into my head. My next idea is a crime/thriller.

How do you wind down?

I tap dance, myself and my partner go to the cinema every week no matter what’s on. We both love to garden, we have a beautiful garden.

What sort of challenges do you regularly overcome while designing your world/setting?

When I start writing I decide the ending first then I fill in the gaps so my challenge is to end it properly. How many films do you watch where the ending disappoints.

What are you reading at the moment?

Unfortunately I’m not a reader my anxieties don’t allow me to read. When I start a book I can’t stop until it’s finished not a good idea when I start work very early.

What’s the most useful advice you could give to an aspiring author?

Write whatever comes naturally someone out there will love your book. Don’t let anything or anyone stop you.

Tell us about the book you’re promoting.

I contacted 130 libraries and asked them if they could put a poster up for me. A lot did, then one asked me to do a book talk. Then another, then another. I’ve now done 6 book talks with another 3 booked in. I also have talked at a pub for their book club. I’ve been in the local newspapers 4 times about mental health and writing my book for Jake. I’ve done a podcast on YouTube and various written interviews. Social media really helps and the writing community is amazing. Giving tips and sharing your little wins.

In this article:

Book club
Murder She Wrote
Physical job
Tap dancing

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D E Fox

D E Fox

Deborah Fox lives in Yorkshire with her partner Paul. She currently works for a large electrical distributor, as well as being a budding author.

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Second Hand Rose by D E Fox
Abigail Hirst, a city reporter, returns to her hometown to take over Second Hand Rose, a quintessential antique store, following the sad passing of her beloved Grandmother, Rose. This new life seems perfect for Abigail and her trusted terrier Jake, until she starts to notice strange happenings. Gruesome deaths and mysterious disappearances are catching up with this chocolate-box town named Friendship, as Abigail digs deeper in her investigations. Time is quickly running out for the fate of the whole town but only facing up to her own dark past, can she truly help Friendship and the people she loves most.

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