Lou AbercrombieRead Interview
I left Durham University with a First Class Maths degree, which temporarily blindsided me and saw me applying for jobs in investment banking. My most notable interview was with Barings Bank, a little while after it crashed, though failure to get the job was blamed firmly on my complete lack of interest in reading the Financial Times.
My next move was to get a job in television, where I worked first as an Audio Engineer and then as a Post Production Manager. Favourite moments include being part of a snogging couple in a music video, recording voice over with Porkins from Star Wars, and chatting with Jimmy Page about teething granules…
Children soon put an end to all that London high life, and I reinvented myself as a portrait photographer, when my husband and I moved to Bath. Alongside projects such as Shooting the Undead (a series that required me to learn how to do zombie makeup) and Age Becomes Her (a series celebrating the older woman), my camera has since been deftly focussed on a large number of children’s, fantasy and crime authors.
I started writing a few years ago now, focussing on the kind of books I would have like to read when I was eleven or twelve. For inspiration, I looked to the many interests I have, and it took off from there.
I spend the rest of my time, not that there’s much left, doing ballet, yoga, playing the piano and being a taxi driver to my three children.